Crude Oil: Is The Next Price Surge Coming?
Some seasonal trends are counter-intuitive.
The price of crude oil is falling despite the start of the heating season in the fall. Would you have known?
Some seasonal trends are counter-intuitive.
The price of crude oil is falling despite the start of the heating season in the fall. Would you have known?
Manche saisonale Verläufe sind gegen jede Intuition.
So fällt der Rohölpreis trotz der beginnenden Heizsaison im Herbst. Hätten Sie es gewusst?
The turn of the year, 2023 into 2024, is just around the corner. As an investor, you may well be wondering what the new year will be like.
In terms of politics, the US presidential elections are approaching. Although the new - or old - president will not be inaugurated until 2025, elections also influence share prices in their run up. This election cycle is in fact known as the four-year cycle.
As you may have noticed, the price of gold recently touched the psychologically important round mark of USD 2,000 per troy ounce, before coming back down again.
If you are a sports fan, you are probably already looking forward to the date: on July 26, 2024, the next Summer Olympics will begin in Paris. Athletes from all over the world will compete in thousands of events. Nearly ten million tickets will be on sale.
Sie haben es vielleicht mitbekommen: Derzeit ist die implizite Volatilität, wie sie sich aus Optionspreisen am US-Aktienmarkt errechnet, relativ niedrig. Die Bank of America fand kürzlich sogar heraus, dass es seit 2008 nie günstiger war, sich über einen Zwölfmonatszeitraum abzusichern.
Currently, implied volatility, as calculated from option prices on the US stock market, is relatively low. The Bank of America recently found that there has not been a cheaper time to hedge over a twelve-month period since 2008.
This raises these questions for you as an investor: has a phase of permanently low volatility now been reached? Or is the current low volatility merely the calm before the storm?
Lieber Investor für viele Anleger kam der Anstieg der Aktienkurse in diesem Jahr überraschend. Tatsächlich kommt es aber im Jahr vor der Wahl eines US-Präsidenten oft zu starken Anstiegen an den Aktienmärkten. Nachdem die erste Hälfte des Jahres so gut…
Along with annual seasonality, the four-year cycle is one of the most important cycles on the U.S. stock market. This cycle is also called the election cycle because it is related to the election of the U.S. president.
As well as the seasonality of the year, there are other calendrical cycles such as the week or the month. Today, we are going to consider the performance of the S&P 500, analysed by looking at the days of the week from the year 2000. Believe it or not, there are individual days of the week that perform significantly better than others!