Learn why the year within the election cycle matters more to market performance than the election outcome itself. Uncover key trends, including gold's potential rise after a weak start and the Nasdaq's challenging February-March period.

Discover the "Santa Claus Rally," a seasonal phenomenon with a history of boosting stock prices during the holiday season. Learn how it impacts markets like the S&P 500 and DAX, and what factors could influence this year's rally.

Gold has gained 50% in two years, but Newmont Mining has lagged behind. Seasonality shows its strongest phase is from November 27th to April 11th, with an average gain of 24.04%. Could now be the time to catch up?

Around 50% of current gold production flows into jewelry production. This has a considerable influence on the price of gold. The Indian wedding season in autumn, the Christmas season and the Chinese New Year increase the demand for gold for jewelry production, with purchases by jewelers taking place in the run-up to the respective festivities.

Etwa 50 Prozent der laufenden Förderung von Gold fließen in die Schmuckproduktion. Sie hat dadurch einen erheblichen Einfluss auf den Preis. Durch die indische Hochzeitssaison im Herbst, das Weihnachtsgeschäft und das chinesische Neujahrsfest steigt die Nachfrage nach Gold für die Schmuckherstellung.

Some seasonal trends are counter-intuitive.
The price of crude oil is falling despite the start of the heating season in the fall. Would you have known?

Manche saisonale Verläufe sind gegen jede Intuition.
So fällt der Rohölpreis trotz der beginnenden Heizsaison im Herbst. Hätten Sie es gewusst?

As you may have noticed, the price of gold recently touched the psychologically important round mark of USD 2,000 per troy ounce, before coming back down again.

There are some mixed messages for Soybean markets with a bumper crop from Brazil, but high temperatures over the US Summer have been impacting expectations for the US’s crop grade and concerns that China’s consumer habits may be changing too have weighed on sentiment.

Wednesday’s Federal Reserve meeting will also be a meeting where the Fed outline their dot plot on rate projections.