Cashing In On Crypto
The U.S’s first-ever spot Bitcoin ETFs got the official green light. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission gave the go-ahead and with this eleven brand new Bitcoin ETFs hit the market.
The U.S’s first-ever spot Bitcoin ETFs got the official green light. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission gave the go-ahead and with this eleven brand new Bitcoin ETFs hit the market.
You may be asking yourself the same question. Clearly, whether you invest in cryptos or not, the consideration of seasonality in a new asset class is exciting.
It is time to take a look at Bitcoin's seasonal performance!
Sie stellen sich die Frage vielleicht auch. Denn ganz gleich, ob Sie in Kryptos investieren oder nicht, ist die Überlegung des Auftretens von Saisonalität bei einer neuen Anlageklasse spannend.
Sehen wir uns daher den saisonalen Verlauf von Bitcoin an.
According to the blockchain data platform Chainanalsys the largest region for cryptocurrency adoption is Western Europe. The all time high for cryptocurrency interest was in the the second quarter of Q2 of 2021. However, although adoption has reduced in interest…