Gold prices to rise into US CPI?
Gold prices are in a major focus right now ahead of the US CPI print due to be released on Wednesday at 1:30 UK time. Gold is extremely sensitive to US interest rate expectations and dollar moves. This has meant…
Gold prices are in a major focus right now ahead of the US CPI print due to be released on Wednesday at 1:30 UK time. Gold is extremely sensitive to US interest rate expectations and dollar moves. This has meant…
Bitcoin prices rose over 6% on Tuesday and held gains early on Wednesday on hopes that there’s going to be fresh demand for bitcoin in the coming weeks. The trigger for bitcoin’s surge was the fact that the US court…
The case for buying gold has been increasing over the last couple of weeks due to increased expectations that the Federal reserve will need to stop hiking interest rates as US economic activity show signs of slowing down.
Lieber Investor für viele Anleger kam der Anstieg der Aktienkurse in diesem Jahr überraschend. Tatsächlich kommt es aber im Jahr vor der Wahl eines US-Präsidenten oft zu starken Anstiegen an den Aktienmärkten. Nachdem die erste Hälfte des Jahres so gut…
Along with annual seasonality, the four-year cycle is one of the most important cycles on the U.S. stock market. This cycle is also called the election cycle because it is related to the election of the U.S. president.
I'm sure many of you are familiar with the popular market adage, "Sell in May and Go Away". It's a catchy saying that has been around for decades. The idea behind it is that stock market returns tend to be weaker during the summer months, from May to October.
Lieber Investor, der „Turn of the Month“-Effekt ist für die amerikanischen Aktienmärkte oft untersucht worden. Er besagt, dass Aktien um den Monatswechsel herum tendenziell stärker steigen als um die Monatsmitte. Hintergrund sind die regelmäßigen Gehaltseingänge zu dieser Zeit. Über Sparpläne…
The "turn of the month" effect has frequently been studied in relation to the U.S. stock markets. It shows that stocks tend to rise more around the turn of the month than around the middle of the month.
Easter is a time of celebration for millions of people around the world. Some prepare for this time over a 40-day period of reflection in the run up to Easter known as Lent, a time of fasting or abstinence from certain foods or activities as a form of spiritual discipline and growth.
Lieber Investor, mit den Event-Studien können Sie Ihre Anlagestrategien auf eine völlig neue Art verbessern. Wir haben uns entschieden, Ihnen als Nutzer von Seasonax die Event-Studien ohne Zusatzgebühren zur Verfügung zu stellen. Doch Sie fragen sich vielleicht: Wie kann ich…