
gold bars and coins

Gold Performance Over the Year and the Month

Around 50% of current gold production flows into jewelry production. This has a considerable influence on the price of gold. The Indian wedding season in autumn, the Christmas season and the Chinese New Year increase the demand for gold for jewelry production, with purchases by jewelers taking place in the run-up to the respective festivities.


Gold im Jahres- und Monatsverlauf

Etwa 50 Prozent der laufenden Förderung von Gold fließen in die Schmuckproduktion. Sie hat dadurch einen erheblichen Einfluss auf den Preis. Durch die indische Hochzeitssaison im Herbst, das Weihnachtsgeschäft  und das chinesische Neujahrsfest steigt die Nachfrage nach Gold für die Schmuckherstellung.

Will The Fed Send Gold Soaring?

Gold serves as a renowned inflation hedge due to its intrinsic properties and historical performance during periods of rising prices. Gold operates as an inflation hedge as gold possesses inherent value that transcends currencies and economic fluctuations.

Will US CPI Print Send Gold 3% Higher?

Over the last 5 years gold has risen into and out of US CPI prints 60% of the time for an average 0.28% gain. Interestingly, the largest gain on a US CPI print in gold has been 3.11%. So, if we see a big miss in the US CPI print with the CPI MM 0.10% or lower, the Core CPI MM 0.10% or lower, the headline 3% or lower, and the CORE CPI 3.7% or lower then watch out for gold gains!

Greenlight For Gold?

Has the Fed just given the green light for gold to gain into the start of 2024? With a dovish dot plot forecasting 3 Fed rate cuts next year bonds were heavily bought last night and the USD was convincingly sold.

Will The US Jobs Print On Friday Send Gold Soaring?

If you notice you can see that the seasonal pattern becomes very strong after the middle of December. That is not for no reason. The middle of December marks the last Fed meeting, so investors are often confident to take their gold position once the path for US yields and the USD is more predictable with the Fed having finished their last interest rate meeting for the year.

Going For Gold?

When the US dollar falls and real yields drop too, that tends to be a great environment for gold buying. The last few weeks have seen significant falls in the dollar on expectations that the Federal Reserve has reached the peak in interest rates.