
“Sell in May”: Myth or Real Market Mover?

The legend says that the phrase originally came from an old English saying: "Sell in May and go away, and come back on St. Leger's Day." This advice was linked to British aristocrats who used to leave the hot city of London during the summer and return after the St. Leger's Stakes horse race in September. What began as a lifestyle choice for the wealthy has turned into a financial strategy observed in stock markets globally.

“Sell in May”: Mythos oder echte Marktbewegung?

Die Legende besagt, dass der Ausdruck ursprünglich von einem alten englischen Sprichwort stammt: "Sell in May and go away, and come back on St. Leger's Day“.
Dieser Spruch war mit britischen Aristokraten verbunden, die während des Sommers die heiße Stadt London verließen und nach dem Pferderennen St. Leger's Stakes im September zurückkehrten.

From Lost Decade to Record Breaker: The Nikkei 225

Tracing its origins back to 1949, the Nikkei 225 has weathered various economic storms, including Japan's post-war boom, the 1980s bubble, and the challenging "Lost Decade" of the 1990s. The legendary trader, Warren Buffet, revealed in 2020 that his firm, Berkshire Hathaway, had bought around 5% of Japan’s top five trading companies sensing the shift in Japan’s economy.

Willkommen im Wahljahr!

Als das Jahr 2023 zu Ende ging, herrschte in der Finanzwelt großer Optimismus. Der S&P 500 stieg um mehr als 24 %, und der Dow näherte sich historischen Höchstständen, angetrieben durch eine nachlassende Inflation, eine robuste Wirtschaft und erwartete niedrigere Zinssätze.
Bemerkenswert ist, dass die Markterholung nicht nur auf große Tech-Unternehmen.

4-Year Election Cycle: How will 2024 go?

The turn of the year, 2023 into 2024, is just around the corner. As an investor, you may well be wondering what the new year will be like.
In terms of politics, the US presidential elections are approaching. Although the new - or old - president will not be inaugurated until 2025, elections also influence share prices in their run up. This election cycle is in fact known as the four-year cycle.