Silver’s time to shine?
Could the Fed set silver soaring into 2023? The FOMC minutes showed that the Fed now saw a US recession for 2023 as pretty much a ‘base case’. This was a surprise revelation and allowed markets to sell the USD…
Could the Fed set silver soaring into 2023? The FOMC minutes showed that the Fed now saw a US recession for 2023 as pretty much a ‘base case’. This was a surprise revelation and allowed markets to sell the USD…
Dear Investor, Silver is the one of the most versatile elements we know and there are definitely more than 50 shades that are used for many different purposes. For as long as we can remember it has been used for…
Article in German Dear Investor, An Excellent Seasonal Buying Opportunity in Silver Lies Directly Ahead In recent issues of Seasonal Insights, my colleague Tea Muratovic and I shared our analysis of global stock markets with you. Today I want to…
Article in German Dear Investor, Silver is seasonally cheap in mid December First I will show you the seasonal chart of silver. The chart shows the average moves in silver prices in the course of a calendar year over the…
Lieber Investor, vermutlich verfolgen Sie auch die Kurse von Rohstoffen. Diese bieten Anlegern oft eine Alternative zu Aktien – und sie weisen klare saisonale Tendenzen auf. So ist Heizöl im Sommer günstiger als während der Heizsaison im Winter, und Weizen…
Article in German Dear Investor, Commodities often provide an alternative to investing in stocks – and they have clearly discernible seasonal trends. Thus heating oil tends to be cheaper in the summer than during the heating season in winter, and…
Lieber Investor, Sie sind wahrscheinlich noch in vorweihnachtliche Stimmung, vielleicht verspüren Sie sogar etwas Stress. Bald jedoch kommt der Jahreswechsel. Der gibt Ihnen Anlass, das Jahr Revue passieren zu lassen und das neue zu planen. Das tun viele Menschen –…
Lieber Investor, in den vergangenen Ausgaben von Seasonal Insights hatten meine Kollegin Tea Muratovic und ich Ihnen Analysen zu den internationalen Aktienmärkten nahegebracht. Heute will ich für Sie ein beliebtes Edelmetall unter die Lupe nehmen: Silber. Das oft als „kleiner…
Dear Investor, Prices in financial and commodity markets exhibit seasonal trends. We have for example shown you how stocks of pharmaceutical companies tend to rise in summer due to higher demand, or the end-of-year rally phenomenon (last issue), which can…
Dear Investor, Prices in financial and commodity markets are exhibiting seasonal trends. This applies to the precious metals gold, silver, platinum and palladium as well. The chart below depicts the seasonal trends of the gold price over a time period…