This is How You Can Systematically Increase Your Profits

Article in German

Dear Investor,

Many individual stocks display unique seasonal patterns – when you log into Seasonax you will immediately find up to date examples.

There is a variety of reasons for this phenomenon. Often internal procedures are responsible, which can e.g. lead to a company’s earnings being disproportionately large in a specific quarter.

That frequently results in earnings surprises in the subsequent reporting periods – and in line with this, above average price gains. The question is how to actually take the most advantage of this phenomenon.

Boost your returns by compounding

Fortunately, a sufficiently large number of shares that are entering strong seasonal trends can be found at any time of the year. That makes it possible to accumulate gains by switching into stocks that are seasonally attractive in a consistent and timely manner.

I am going to illustrate this schematically. Let us assume that stock A has a strong seasonal uptrend between January and February, generating an average return of +11%, stock B follows with a similar gain from March to April, thereafter stock C, and so on.

By switching from one stock to the next and by so to speak stringing the seasonal patterns together, these returns can be combined.

You first purchase seasonally attractive stock A, then stock B, then stock C, etc. The chart below depicts a diagram of the cumulative returns based on the above-mentioned assumption.

Diagram of cumulative seasonal returns

Diagram of cumulative seasonal returns

Compounding helps boost returns. Source: Seasonax

Of course, in reality such regularity won’t be encountered on the stock exchange. Unique seasonal patterns in individual stocks nevertheless exist and can be exploited to increase the probability of achieving profits.

The real problem consists of actually finding these stocks. For this purpose we have created sophisticated software that allows you to find, analyze and chart these seasonal patterns.

Through the screener we make the search easy for you. We are constantly enhancing it for you!

Do you have any wishes or comments? Then simply let our customer service know using the feedback form in the Seasonax app!

Best regards,
Dimitri Speck
Founder and Head Analyst of Seasonax

PS: Take systematically advantage of seasonality in individual stocks